project martabe batang toru

Analysis of the Impact of the Presence of PT. Martabe Gold Mine

Martabe Batang Toru Gold Mine on the level of community welfare in Batang Toru District, South Tapanuli Regency, by comparing the situation before and after the existence of. This research was conducted to determine the impact of the existence of PT. Martabe Batang Toru Gold Mine on the level of community welfare in Batang Toru District, South ...Web

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(PDF) Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) …

Batang Toru, and to find out the impact of implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program carried out by PT. ... Dengan kata lain, beasiswa Martabe Prestasi adalah modal mahasiswa ...Web

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Dampak Negatif Hadirnya PT AR Martabe

3.2.2. Dampak Negatif Hadirnya PT AR Martabe. Konflik merupakan salah satu dampak yang paling sering terjadi ketika perusahaan tambang hadir di suatu daerah. Kehadiran PT AR Martabe di Batang Toru menimbulkan konflik antara masyarakat dengan PT AR Martabe. konflik terjadi karena pembuangan limbah PT AR Martabe ke Sungai Batang …Web

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Bersama Mengembalikan DAS Batang Toru yang Mulai Terkikis

Bersama Mengembalikan DAS Batang Toru yang Mulai Terkikis. Karyawan Tambang Emas Martabe, berfoto bersama masyarakat sebelum melakukan penanaman bibit pohon di Sungai Batang Toru, (28/11/2021). (Ikhwan Nasution) Medanbisnisdaily-Tapsel. Panjangnya 82,42 Km, Sungai Batang Toru melintasi …Web

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Tambang Emas Martabe terletak di sisi barat daya Ekosistem Batang Toru (EBT). EBT diperkirakan seluas kurang lebih 150.000 hektar (ha) [1] dan tersebar secara administratif di tiga kabupaten Tapanuli Provinsi …Web

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WAN Exclusive: Urgent Help Needed To Stop The Destruction By Martabe

Tragically, their habitat is under multiple threats including the active Martabe Goldmine, in the Batang Toru region of North Sumatra. Martabe Goldmine and forested region in February 2020 That is why Orang Utan Republik Foundation (OURF) is calling on British Company Jardine Matheson to URGENTLY STOP destroying Tapanuli orangutan …Web

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Indonesia dam builder refuses new study to assess impact on …

Project adviser Emmy cited a 2019 study that she said shows the majority of the orangutan population is found within the protected parts of the Batang Toru forest …Web

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Mozar Van Toberis Sihombing

GOLD MINE PROJECT MARTABE, BATANG TORU NORTH SUMATERA -Design pit, Waste Dump Design, Haul Road Design, mine Development and Infrastructure (Surfac6.5 Geovia,MineScap,Auto Cad 2012-3D Software)-Daily, Weekly and 3 rolling monthly plan and Live of Mine LoM scheduling (MineSced Soft ware) -Cut-off grade Pit optimizationOre …Web

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Sopo Nauli Office, PT. Agincourt Resources

Agincourt Resources (367m), Mess Hall Pelangi Golf, G-Resources Gold Mine Project Martabe (454m) Commercial & Industrial: PT.Agincourt Resources - Martabe I Tapanuli - Sumatera Utara (418m) Public & Government Service: Martabe,Batang Toru - Tapanuli Selatan (421m) Hiking Trail: Mess Hall, Pelangi Golf, PT. Agincourt Resources, Martabe, …Web

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Martabe mine and Tapanuli orangutan

The Martabe gold mine – operated by our subsidiary, PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) a – is located on the southwest edge of the BTE. The BTE is estimated to cover approximately 150,000 hectares and overlaps with the Batang Toru Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) b, which covers 170,000 hectares and is an area of significant importance for biodiversity.Web

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Fighting to save an endangered ape, Indonesian activists fear for …

An ad for the Batang Toru hydropower project, describing it as "a socially and environmentally responsible developlment," displayed at the Indonesian pavilion during the 24th U.N. climate ...Web

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Right to Reply to Tempo on saving the Tapanuli orangutan, the …

The dam is not the only project that endangers Batang Toru. Potential expansion of the Martabe gold mine into Tapanuli habitat also threatens the ecosystem. Just as with the dam, we have spent years publicly advocating that the mine's owners pause expansion until scientists have the opportunity to ensure expansion only happens outside ...Web

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Iswahyudi Agus Sinugroho

o Batang toru Au-Ag High sulfidation epithermal type deposits projects. o Working within Martabe project and vicinity, Batangtoru, South Tapanuli, North Sumatera. o The most active exploration company at this time with total ~45.000m depth drilling (yield 3,2M Oz of gold equivalent 2005).Web

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Major Mines & Projects | Martabe Mine

Summary: The Martabe Gold Mine utilises the 'open pit' method of gold and silver mining, where the pits are kept shallow due to the hilly topography. Three pits are currently operational: the Ramba Joring Pit, the Barani Pit and the Purnama Pit, which began operations in 2018, 2016 and 2011 respectively. Mining operations are located in an ...Web

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Martabe Overcomes the Challenges

The Martabe Mine is located in the District of Batang Toru in the Province of North Sumatra near to the coastal town of Sibolga. The Martabe Project is in a geologically complex zone. Ore will initially be mined from the Purnama deposit by open cut mining. This pit provides an average grade to the process plant of 1.9 g/t Au and 25 g/t Ag with ...Web

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United Tractors (UNTR) Pacu Tambang Emas Martabe dan …

Perbesar Tambang emas Martabe di Batang Toru, Sumatra Utara. PT United Tractors Tbk. (UNTR), memacu pengembangan pertambangan emas di Martabe, Sumatera Utara, dan Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat pada 2024. ... Terkait Kontrak Karya (KK) tambang emas Martabe yang habis pada 2027, menurut Edhie, Agincourt sedang …Web

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World's newest great ape faces habitat loss, multiple …

They are on the brink of extinction due to a hydropower dam project. Image by Andrew Walmsley. Hydropower plant threat The main threat to these apes comes from a Chinese-backed hydropower plant, …Web

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Martabe, North Sumatra

The Martabe Project is located on the western side of Sumatra Island in the North Sumatra province in the sub-district of Batangtoru, Indonesia. Location Northern Sumatra, Indonesia Ownership G-Resources (95%) and Oxiana (5%) Geology High sulphidation epithermal deposit Mineral Types …

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Martabe gold mine ready to start production

PT Agincourt Resources Indonesia plans to start production at the Martabe gold and silver mine in Batang Toru in the district of South Tapanuli, North Sumatra …Web

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Statement on Martabe mine and Tapanuli orangut an

The Martabe gold mine location The Martabe gold mine – operated by our subsidiary, PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR)a – is located on the southwest edge of the BTE. The BTE …Web

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Martabe Project

The Martabe Project is located in Batangtoru sub-district, Tapanuli Selatan Regency, North Sumatra Province. Martabe is a gold mine combined with processing plant. Following …Web

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Body count rises to sixteen at controversial Batang Toru dam in

"The Batang Toru ecosystem is wholly unsuitable for this project. This dam is located in a highly sensitive area, home to the Tapanuli orangutan, the world's most endangered Great Ape. ... including land clearing associated with the Martabe gold mine, owned, ... Bank of China's Notes on the Hydroelectric Dam Project in Batang Toru of ...Web

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Karakterisasi Air Sungai Didekat Pertambangan Emas Batang Toru …

Padahal perusahaan berproduksi, maka 5% saham Martabe Gold Project akan dimiliki Pemerintah Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, 40% dimiliki oleh Pemprov Sumut, dan 5% dari keuntungan diberikan kepada masyarakat lingkar luar area pertambangan. Data Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Sumut, potensi emas di Kecamtan Muara Batang …Web

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World's top sovereign fund latest to cut ties with dam in …

The $1.6 billion Batang Toru project, part of the Chinese-backed Road and Belt Initiative, was meant to go into operation in 2022, but has been delayed to 2026 …Web

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M. Yunus

HRIS Officer - Martabe Gold Mine Project PT Leighton Contractors Indonesia Jul 2011 - Jul 2012 1 tahun 1 bulan. Batang Toru, South Tapanuli, North Sumatera, Indonesia PT Televisi Transformasi Indonesia 7 tahun News Associate Producer PT Televisi Transformasi Indonesia 2007 ...Web

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Astra Clearing Forest NOW in Rarest Orangutan Habitat

The investigation shows operations at Astra's Martabe gold mine eating away at the habitat of the critically endangered Tapanuli Orangutan between October 9 and 29, 2021.[1] ... "The Batang Toru ecosystem landscape is our last frontier forest in North Sumatra. ... on the development of projects impacting the Tapanuli orangutan's habitat.Web

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Orang Terkaya RI Kuasai Tambang Emas Martabe di …

Tambang Emas Martabe terletak di sisi barat pulau Sumatera, Kecamatan Batang Toru, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, dengan luas wilayah 1.639 km2, di bawah Kontrak Karya generasi keenam ("CoW") yang …Web

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Activists in Indonesia protest China-funded dam in orangutan …

The project will occupy 6.45 square kilometers (2.5 square miles) of land along the Batang Toru River in South Tapanuli district. It will involve the construction of a powerhouse, a substation, headrace and tailrace tunnels, a reservoir, spillway and related infrastructure, the installation of turbines, generators and transformers, and the ...Web

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Statement in Response to Tragic Mudslide in Batang …

Baca dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Responding to the tragic news that at least 13 people have been killed or are missing in a mudslide on the site of the controversial Batang Toru hydroelectric dam project …Web

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Dam that threatens orangutan habitat faces three-year delay

They say the project might devastate the most critical areas of the Batang Toru ecosystem and drive the Tapanuli orangutan to extinction. Only 760 of the great apes are estimated to survive in a ...Web

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Indonesian activists protest China-funded dam in orangutan habitat

The protesters argued that the North Sumatra Hydro Energy project threatened the Batang Toru forest in North Sumatra province, home to the Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis), a species ...Web

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Martabe Overcomes the Challenges

The Martabe Mine is located in the District of Batang Toru in the Province of North Sumatra near to the coastal town of Sibolga.Web

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TAMBANG EMAS MARTABE: Agincourt Resources Hentikan …

MEDAN: PT Agincourt Resources (Martabe Gold Project) di Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Sumatra Utara menghentikan kegiatan tambang sementara, menunggu adanya kesepakatan dengan masyarakat mengenai pembuangan limbah. ... Secara resmi, kegiatan pertambangan di Batang Toru, Tapanuli Selatan dihentikan untuk sementara …Web

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