what is stripping ratio coal mining

Mineral Resource Extraction | SpringerLink

Therefore, stripping ratio (a key statistic for mining companies and almost universally used) represents the amount of uneconomic material or waste rock that must be removed to extract one unit of ore or profitable material. The stripping ratio in Fig. 5.5 (an open-pit with an ore body dipping α) is the ratio between ABC and BDEC. For instance ...Web

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3.2.5: Instantaneous Stripping Ratio | GEOG 000

The Instantaneous Stripping Ratio (ISR) is the stripping ratio for a given push back, where a tiny slice of material, i.e., ore and/or waste, is removed from a pit wall. This section presents the ISR calculation for a steeply pitching deposit. Assume an idealized tabular and steeply pitching orebody that outcrops at the surface and dips to the ...Web

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Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They Important

January 19, 2016. A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the open-pit mining process. It represents the amount of waste material, also known as …Web

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Research on boundary optimization of adjacent mining areas in

Multivariate function fitting of coal seam. One of the keys to the analysis of the stripping ratio is the accuracy of the calculation of coal reserves.Web

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Rational economic stripping ratios

The economic stripping ratio used to define an economic mining block in an open pit coal mining situation is rationalised by considering the time value of money, and defining run of mine recovery and mining cost as dynamic variables dictated by the thicknesses, depths and number of seams within a mining block. The ratio is based on …Web

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Is the strip ratio still an important factor in open pit …

The general conversion being that the lower the strip ratio, the lower the mining cost which translates to higher profit margins. Conversely, higher strip ratios translate to high mining costs and ...Web

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Task 3.14.1 Evaluation of stripping techniques

It focused on the different stripping techniques used in South African mines and evaluated their efficiencies in terms of capital invested, labour productivity, production outputs, operational expenditures and other productivity measures. These results were used to benchmark each individual South African surface coal mine withWeb

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New guidance on accounting for stripping activities

The stripping costs DI will impact all companies with open-pit (surface) mines. The new guidance applies to stripping costs that are incurred in open-pit mining activity during the production phase of the mine. These costs are often significant for open-pit mining operations where waste and ore are typically mined together.Web

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Chapter Open Pit Mining

† Thick-bedded deposits, little overburden (e.g., iron ore, coal) as shown in Figure 5. 1.3 Stripping ratio The parameter known as the stripping ratio represents the amount of uneco-nomicmaterial thatmustberemoved touncoveroneunit ofore,i.e., theratioof the number of tons of waste material removed to the number of tons of ore removed.Web

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Mining and Stripping of Open Pit | SpringerLink

Download reference work entry PDF. Mining and stripping of open pit is the method of stripping rocks and mining ores from open-pit mine according to a certain mining order. In open-pit mining, there is little difference between the process of stripping rock and mining ore. The equipment on a working bench can be used for both mining …Web

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(PDF) Underground and Opencast Coal Mining …

India ranks third in coal production. However, the country has to import coal in order to meet the rising demand for coal. In India, coal mining is conducted using two methods: underground and ...Web

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What is operating stripping ratio in mining operation how do we

Yes, a 3:1 stripping ratio means that mining one cubic meter of ore will require mining three cubic meters of waste rock. What are the disadvantage of mining? There are many disadvantages to mining.Web

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Break-even stripping ratio | Britannica

In coal mining: Contour strip mining. If the break-even stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made. Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under …Web

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Coal and Coal Mining

Surface mining – involves stripping off overburden to access coal resources. Overburden is the layers of soil and rock that overlie a coal bed. Surface mining is limited by stripping ratios: ratio of the volume of overburden (in cubic yards) to the quantity of coal (in short tons). the limit of surface mining (maximum economic stripping ratio) isWeb

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stripping ratio in coal mining

Stripping ratio - Wikipedia. In mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio of the volume of overburden or waste material required to be handled in order to extract some tonnage of ore.For example, a 31 stripping ratio means that mining one tonne of ore will require mining. Read More.Web

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Recommendations for reforms in India's coal mining space

Sehgal, Tongia: This is a bit on the higher side, and varies heavily by mine and its overburden (stripping ratio). NOTE, this is not necessarily an absolute, as US Western coal (PRB) retails ...Web

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Table 9. Major U.S. Coal Mines, 2022

15 Kosse Strip / Luminant Mining Company LLC Surface Texas 9,334,585 16 Tunnel Ridge Mine / Tunnel Ridge, LLC Underground West ia 8,312,644 ... 35 West Elk Mine / Mountain Coal Company, L.L.C. Underground Colorado 4,355,703 36 Buchanan Mine #1 / Buchanan Minerals, LLC Underground ia 4,309,238 ...Web

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CAS 23 Overburden Removal Cost

of coal •Standard stripping ratio - the ratio of "overbudern (OB)to be removed" to "the mineral to be produced" during the whole project life. Suppose in an opencast mine, 20 lakh CuM OB will be removed during the life time (suppose 15 years) against the production of 10 lakh Te of coal, the standard stripping ratio will be 2.1Web

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(PDF) Surface Mine Design

Auger mining is a surface mining techniq ue used to recover additional coal from a seam located behind a highwall produced either by stripping or open-pit mining.Web

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Stripping Ratio in Open-Pit Mining, Types of | SpringerLink

Stripping ratio is the ratio of the volume of waste rock stripped off to the volume of ore exploited during the process of surface mining. It indicates the volume of waste rock …Web

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KGS--OFR 1973-5--Coal in Kansas

Strip mining exceeded deep mine production for the first time in 1931 and continued to increase until, in 1964, the last deep mine closed and open-pit mining accounted for of Kansas' production. In the Southeastern Kansas Coal Field, the Weir-Pittsburg coal seam was extensively mined by room and pillar methods.Web

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Surface Mining Methods and Systems | SpringerLink

Stripping Ratio. Environmental constraints. Strip Mining is normally chosen where the overburden thickness is such that excavation can be carried out by a single stripping …Web

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Mining Terms

In coal mining this is the intended basis for roof bolting. Bearing - A surveying term used to designate direction. The bearing of a line is the acute horizontal angle between the meridian and the line. The meridian is an established line of reference. ... Stripping ratio - The unit amount of overburden that must be removed to gain access to a ...Web

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Hazard Classification and Stability Analysis of High and Steep …

Therefore, an optimized slope angle can significantly reduce the stripping ratio and construction costs, while ensuring safety. This study is based on the existing open-pit mining design. If a larger final slope angle is to be adopted, a comprehensive and meticulous analysis of the new final open-pit boundary is required.Web

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Surface mining planning and design of open pit mining | PPT

vii) Stripping Ratio The ratio is most commonly expressed as: Strip Ratio (SR) is the mass of waste to be mined to obtain one unit mass of ore. Waste (tons) SR = ----- Ore (tons) For example, a 3:1 stripping ratio means that mining one cubic meter of ore will require mining three cubic meters of waste rock.Web

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Stripping Ratio in Open-Pit Mining, Types of | SpringerLink

Stripping ratio is the ratio of the volume of waste rock stripped off to the volume of ore exploited during the process of surface mining. It indicates the volume of waste rock required to be stripped for mining per cubic ore. Stripping ratio (see Fig. 1) is an important technical-economic indicator in open-pit mining, which reflects the ...Web

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Stripping ratio | mining | Britannica

In coal mining: Choosing a mining method. …calculated with the aid of stripping ratios, which represent the amount of waste material that must be removed to extract a …Web

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In coal mining what is a good strip ratio?

If the snake has lots of offspring, the ratio of males to females will be 0.4 to 0.6, which is the same as 4 to 6, which is the same as 2 to 3 (2:3). Stated another way, for every five snakes born ...Web

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Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They Important?

May. 17, 2023 01:50PM PST Share Stripping ratios aren't often discussed, but they can be an early and important indicator for mining projects. Here's what investors should know about them. A...Web

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